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Broker Toolkit

Digital developments are going fast. Besides all the opportunities, it also brings complex challenges.
Like cybersecurity. In this rapidly changing world, our cyber insurance helps you to manage your cyber risks. Always stay one step ahead with the award winning product: CyberEdge.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

As a global market leader, AIG has the broadest appetite and innovative coverage for companies working with technology and therefore indirectly could be the victim of a cyber incident

Minimum Premium

The premium starts from €1000,-

Product Information

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Administrators, managers and directors of any company, regardless of its size or activities, carry significant responsibilities in relation to the way they conduct themselves and justify the trust placed in them. This may result in claims against them for actual and alleged breach of duty, neglect, misstatements, errors and omissions. This insurance is for directors and officers of companies of all sizes and industry. Our D&O product is tailor-made to suit associations, commercial public and private companies as well as financial institutions.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

In case of doubt concerning what activity to choose, please contact AIG Dynamics at

Best Fit

We offer solutions for every company that is a legal entity, associations and foundations.

Minimum Premium

The minimum premium is €250,-

AIG Online

Best Fit

Agriculture and forestry, fishing
VZW's  (not entertainment, not sports related)
Conference - event planner
Consultants (all purely intellectual service providers)
Consumer and professional services
Defence / Air force
Development of high tech, soft or hardware, semiconductors
Development of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology
Transport of goods / passengers
Industry, materials, raw materials, consumer goods
Mining, oil, gas, petrochemicals
Real estate ownership and operation
Government agencies, public services, education
Renewable energy
Retailer - non food
Retailer food/drink
Telecommunications Provider
Utilities - water, gas, electricity
Enterainment, entertainment and hospitality
Employment / recruitment agency

No Appetite For

  • Financial Institutions
  • Listed companies
  • Professional sports clubs
  • Management companies
  • Sole proprietorships

Product Information

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Each day professionals need to make decisions and some of these may be questioned, perhaps as much as years afterward.  A wrong calculation or advice can quickly lead to financial damage. Professional Liability allows the insured to do his job without always looking over their shoulder.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

In case of doubt concerning what activity to choose, please contact AIG Dynamics at

Best Fit

Intellectual service providers. For example: IT companies, management consultants
or project managers. In addition to the professions mentioned above, Professional Indemnity offers insurance options for other professional groups as well.

Minimum Premium

General premium starts from €1000.

AIG Online

Best Fit

ICT Consulting
Marketing Consultancy
Risk management consulting
Strategic management, business development, change management
Training and development consultants
Advertising agency / telemarketer
Communications & PR Consulting
Financial consulting (no auditors)
Legal advice (no lawyers)
Human resources / recruitment agency
Professional associations

No Appetite For

Medical/Paramedic professions, Architects & surveyors; Interior Designers, Stability Engineers, Structural engineers, Construction promoters, Real estate agents, Manufacturing risks, Organization physical activities / event planners, Bookkeeper, accountant, auditors, Lawyers, notaries, Intermediary, Offshore, Aviation, Traders, Project Policies

  • No construction related occupations
  • No occupations with a real risk of physical harm to third parties
  • Professional liability should be the primary safeguard

Minimum Premium

Via AIG Online: €450 (coverage €150,000) or €550 (coverage €250,000).

Product Information

To learn more about coverages and special features & benefits of this insurance


Find here the Information Insurance Protection Documents


Download here all relevant Financial Lines documents

Each year, more and more management companies are set up for various reasons. Nevertheless, when a management company is set up, it is important that the company and its director(s) be well covered for the new risks they could be held liable to. AIG has developed a new complete product that combines professional, directors and officers, general, employment practices- liability. McPro offers the possibility to subscribe by endorsement the World Business Card travel insurance and a 24/24 accident cover.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

Companies and its directors

Minimum Premium

The premium starts from €1000,-

Product Information

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Find here the Information Insurance Protection Documents


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Supporting families and organisations around the world

By providing both insurance and risk consultancy services we help our clients to be safe and secure, and to deal confidently with the challenges that the modern world presents. Recognising that threats to businesses and people come in many forms, our insurance is designed to provide both a broad level of coverage and crisis management support. When the unexpected happens, we help you manage and recover.

More than Kidnap & Ransom insurance

We cover the costs arising from a broad range of threats that may impact your people, business, brand or reputation – more than simply kidnap and ransom insurance. Acting as an umbrella policy, Crisis Solution offers world-wide coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Some types
of crisis are covered automatically as part of our core coverage, others are optional.

Product Information

To learn more about coverages and special features & benefits of this insurance


A guide to Security Evacuation Services from AIG Travel

Global Watch Assistance

Access to up-to-date information on: travel destination reports, email alerts & travel health


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Mergers and acquisitions insurance is a highly specialised field of cover that specialises in smoothing and facilitating the M&A process. It does this by transferring to an insurance policy certain risks arising from unknown breaches at the time of the transaction. AIG offers a range of bespoke products designed for M&A related transactions. These are highly specialised insurance types and are backed up by an international team of skilled insurance professionals who integrate closely with the negotiating parties to create tailored packages.

Product Information

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For Luxembourg Funds

Our new D&O for Funds policy provides managerial liability protection for the Directors & Officers of Luxembourg Funds. It provides broad cover in a simplified format for risks including allegations of mismanagement, errors and omissions in investment, breach of fiduciary duty and statutory liabilities. It is the most cost efficient insurance solution for Luxembourg Fund boards.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

Directors & Officers Insurance, aimed at covering all liabilities arising out of a managerial position with an Investment Fund.

Minimum Premium

The minimum premium is €2500,-

Our Fund Protector policy provides managerial liability and entity protection. It provides broad cover for risks including allegations of mismanagement, errors and omissions in investment, breach of fiduciary duty and statutory liabilities. The policy covers claims everywhere in the world except where international sanctions regimes apply. Insured persons and entities can enjoy an extended reporting period at no additional costs.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

Mutual funds and their directors, including their general partners.

Minimum Premium

The premium is €2500,-

Product Information

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Find here the Information Insurance Protection Documents


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Volatility in fund performance coupled with allegations of unsuitability, misrepresentation, breaches in investment mandate and regulatory investigations can expose investment managers to attack. Not only are they exposed to legal action from investors, regulators and third-parties, they may also be subject to fraud perpetrated by unknown third parties or even trusted employees.

These unforeseen costs undermine the investment managers’ performance and also result in repercussions that can extend well beyond the immediate financial damage. To combat the problem, AIG recognizes the need to take a comprehensive approach towards these exposures by offering a single comprehensive product for investment managers, investment advisors and investment funds.

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

Investment management companies, investment funds, hedge funds and investment trusts.

Minimum Premium

The minimum premium is €2500,-

Product Information

To learn more about coverages and special features & benefits of this insurance

For Luxembourg Management Companies

The Management Company Guard was developed by AIG with the input of a large number of Luxembourg Management Companies. This insurance provides third party ManCom with a flexible 'all in one' insurance product. 

Best Fit & Minimum Premium

Best Fit

(Investment) management companies.

Minimum Premium

The minumum premium is €2500,-


Find here the Information Insurance Protection Documents


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